It is my opinion that working at a fast food restaurant is not a ADHD friendly place to work. Here's my experience from having worked at a fast food restaurant.
Shift Work
Us ADHDer's need consistency and routine. A job that involves working various shift hours makes it difficult to maintain any kind of consistency and routine. The restaurant I used to work at, the hours of operation are from 7 am to 11 pm, seven days a week. I've worked every type of shift when employed there.
Inconsistency with the scheduling made it hard to maintain consistency. Never had the same schedule every week. Not knowing how many hours you would be getting each week made it difficult to work out a budget. Hard to make any type of plans with my family. No quality of life to be able to spend time with my family. Boss not having a set rotating schedule for employees to have weekends off. Boss changing shift on short notice is very inconsistent for someone with ADHD. Having to ask to have a weekend off.
There's more I could write about how fast food restaurants not being ADHD friendly places to work, however, these were my two biggest dislikes.
Despite the inconsistent scheduling and working various shifts, it was a good learning experience because I learned skills that I had never learned before and enjoyed being around most of the people that I worked with. I have since moved on to a more suitable job of working in retail. It's more relaxing, not as fast paced as fast food. The hours are better in the fact that it is daytime hours, only exception is that I'll have to work a 1-9 pm shift on Friday's once every 2 weeks which isn't too bad. The other days my hours are 10 am - 5 pm. Store isn't open on Sunday's my favourite of all. Also, there is a rotating schedule where employees have a Saturday and Sunday off.
So far I'm enjoying my employment at the retail store and not really missing the fast food restaurant. Well, I'll be honest in saying that I do miss some co-workers from the restaurant, most definitely don't miss the hours.